V e t a T r a d e O n l i n e

Project Details

New Open
New Open
New Open
New Open


Sunhaven Isle

Number of Return

12 Times



Total Unit



1 Days

Unite Price

100 USD

Return Period

1 Day

Capital Back


Investment Last Date

07 Oct 2025

You are Sponsoring:


Available Unit


About This Farm Project

Blue Sky Dairy Farm is a modern dairy operation that integrates cutting-edge technologies to maximize efficiency and ensure the highest standards of animal welfare and environmental sustainability. The farm features automated milking systems that improve milk production efficiency while ensuring the comfort and health of the cows. These systems monitor each cow's health and milk output, allowing for precise management and care.

The farm's commitment to sustainability is evident in its use of renewable energy sources, such as solar panels and wind turbines, to power its operations. Additionally, Blue Sky Dairy Farm employs waste management practices that convert manure into biogas, which is then used to generate electricity. This not only reduces the farm's reliance on fossil fuels but also minimizes its environmental impact.

Animal welfare is a top priority at Blue Sky Dairy Farm. The cows are housed in comfortable, spacious environments that promote natural behaviors and reduce stress. Regular health checks and a nutritious diet ensure that the cows remain healthy and productive.

Blue Sky Dairy Farm also focuses on sustainable feed production, using crop rotation and organic fertilizers to grow high-quality feed crops. This reduces the need for external feed sources and enhances the farm's overall sustainability.

Investors in Blue Sky Dairy Farm can expect steady returns due to the consistent demand for high-quality dairy products. The farm's innovative and sustainable practices ensure long-term profitability and a positive impact on the environment.


Growing For The Future Agriwealth

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Total Asset Raised


Properties Funded


Target Net IRR


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Running Project Farming Technology

Different term invest made your money secure and choice the best plan for your future asset

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